THE MARIDON BOOKSHOP is open every Friday and Saturday from 12.30 to 3.00pm and for half an hour following 10.00am Mass on Sundays. The Bookshop stocks a variety of religious cards, books, statues and other items at very competitive prices!
It is located in the Parish Hall with its own access to the rear of the Hall, near to the Presbytery. We look forward to welcoming customers old and new.
The shop closes over the Easter and Christmas periods. Please check the current weekly Parish Bulletin/ Parish Notice Board page on this website before you travel or email: for information.

Sadly the Wood Street shop had to close during the Covid pandemic – it is now relocated in the Parish Hall on Chequer Road – see above.
Many thanks to all who were involved in the move from Wood Street to St. Peter’s. Lots of work and effort went into this. The shop is a valuable resource; and keeps a Catholic witness in our town. [ The shop was closed as a result of the Covid pandemic]. It has since been relocated to St Peter’s Parish Hall and is open every Friday and Saturday from 12.30 to 3.00pm, and for half an hour following 10.00am Mass on Sundays. It offers a wide range of religious themed gifts, cards and books.